Class Descriptions

  • Art Club

    At 21st Century Kids visits to the Art Club are designed to bring out the budding artist in your little one. Your child will engage in exciting projects exploring a variety of art materials.

    Younger children will experience activities that develop sensory and fine motor skills, creativity, and imagination. They will explore color, texture and more while engaging with new and exciting materials.

    Older children will create themed projects using a variety of artistic mediums such as basic drawing, painting, collage and sculpture. Individual creativity is both fostered and encouraged. Children will be proud to display the masterpieces they create!

  • Book Nook

    A day at the Book Nook supports the first stage of reading for young children as they gain an understanding of print and the mechanics of how books work. Adventure awaits around our sensory activity areas where fostering imagination and a love of books is our main goal.

    Children will be encouraged to use new vocabulary learned while diving deeper into the story. There is plenty to keep even the most adventurous kids engaged and busy at the Book Nook. Not only does dramatic play support imagination but also language and communication, physical, social and cognitive development!

  • Music Suite

    Singing dancing and playing instruments in the Music Suite feels like a party every week! Children will practice how to keep a steady beat and experience other elements in music, such as rhythm melody and harmony.

    Children will be having so much fun while engaging in new opportunities to explore movement and language through song, dance, and musical games.

    A visit to the Music Suite combines visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements to fuse fun with developmental milestones. A multi-sensory learning experience at it's best!

  • Fitness Center

    At 21st Century Kids exploration time in the Fitness Center introduces children to social skills as they discover and play at their own pace. The staff is dedicated to challenging children while always supporting their unique physical development.

    Children will engage in activities that focus on physical fitness skills such as balance coordination and strength. Through play and interaction children will gain confidence as well as valuable life skills such as teamwork and problem-solving while fostering a lifetime of wellness!

  • STEM Lab

    In the STEM Lab (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) children are always encouraged to explore the world around them through exciting hands-on activities.

    A visit to the 2CK STEM Lab ensures children have the opportunity to solve real-world problems while they develop the skills that are necessary to excel in our evolving technologically-advanced world.

    Kids can expect to spend time building Lego structures, conducting experiments, working with age appropriate digital platforms, to even making homemade slime. Every trip to the STEM Lab is sure to tap into each child’s natural desire to experiment and explore!

All children are unique and develop at their own pace. Below is a guide to help parents determine which 2CK classes meet their child's age and developmental stage best.


  • Baby Geniuses

    Age 2-3

    **Children do not need to be potty trained to register.

    Typically children at this stage are able to name familiar things and say short sentences. They are able to sort by shape and color, run and kick a ball. Children at this age are able to play simple make believe games and follow a short set of directions. They are able to work simple toys with moving parts.

  • Mini Masterminds

    Age 3-4

    **Children MUST be potty trained to register.

    Typically children at this stage are able to hop, run and climb. They can copy basic shapes and some letters and are able to identify basic colors. They are able to recall parts of a story while using longer sentences. These children engage in well developed pretend play with others. They typically can count to 10 and build small block towers. They are able to dress and use the bathroom independently.

  • Little Einsteins

    Age 4-5

    Typically children at this age can balance or even hop on one foot. They may even be able to do a somersault. They can take turns with others and can follow basic rules. Children at this age use past and future tense while telling a story either real or made up. They can recognize certain letters (especially their name) and basic numbers. They can hold a short conversation, and can sing familiar songs.

  • Whiz Kids

    Age 6-9

    This age group is geared for young elementary school students ranging from f1rst to third grade. Children at this age enjoy playing with their peers and being part of a group. They can throw, catch and kick a ball. They are able to understand and follow rules, while paying attention for at least 30 minutes. They can button, zipper and are learning to tie. They are interested in the why of things and ask many curious questions. They understand cause and effect, and are able to retell stories using descriptive language. Today's children are well versed in technology and many know their way around a screen or keyboard. They love to create and experiment in more complex ways.